Upgrade Your Brain with the Limitless Model

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt 

After a brain injury in kindergarten left Jim Kwik with learning challenges, he became known in school as "the boy with the broken brain."  Jim struggled with reading, memory, and learning until he immersed himself in learning how to learn in college.  For over 30 years, Jim has been a brain coach, teaching the methods he learned through his struggles.  His book Limitless (Expanded Edition): Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life is a manual to upgrade your brain. 

In this book, Jim explains his Limitless Model, which includes Mindset (the WHAT), Motivation (the WHY) and Methods (the HOW) to realize the potential of your limitless brain.   



We all have beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions about what we are capable of.  We develop this mindset over time through the influence of culture, experience, and other people.  At some point we put a limit on what we can learn and do.  Challenge these limiting beliefs and replace them with limitless ones. 

Jim identifies 7 lies of learning.  Notice if you have believed any of these limits. 

  • Intelligence is fixed 

  • We only use 10 percent of our brains 

  • Mistakes are failures 

  • Knowledge is power 

  • Learning new things is very difficult 

  • The criticism of other people matters 

  • Genius is born 



Motivation is not something you possess; it’s a process that provides the energy to act.  Jim emphasizes combining purpose, energy, and small simple steps for sustainable motivation.     


If we know our “why” or purpose, we are more likely to do it.  We keep going when things get tough because we have a reason for putting ourselves through this.  As Jim says, “Reasons reap results.” 


Jim offers 10 recommendations for optimizing brain energy 

  1. A Good Brain Diet (including foods like avocados, blueberries, broccoli, dark chocolate, eggs, green leafy vegetables, salmon, sardines, caviar, turmeric, walnuts, and water) 

  2. Brain nutrients through supplements and nootropics (see his list here)  

  3. Exercise 

  4. Killing ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts) 

  5. A Clean Environment  

  6. Positive Peer group 

  7. Brain Protection (like using bike helmets) 

  8. New Learning  

  9. Stress Management 

  10. Sleep (for clearer thinking, better decisions, focus, and memory) 

Small Simple Steps  

Jim’s book is filled with actionable steps that he calls Kwik Starts.  An example is “set your phone alarm to remind yourself to move for a few minutes every hour.” 

Break your tasks into baby steps.  Create a morning routine full of ways to boost your limitless learning. Jim’s morning routine includes things like make bed, drink a glass of water, take a cold shower, do breathing exercises, journal, brush teeth with non-dominant hand, read for 30 minutes.  Make these small simple steps automatic so you don’t rely on motivation to do them. 



The methods are the specific processes for accomplishing something.  In his book Jim focuses on methods in five areas: 

  • Focus: Techniques to re-center, manage distractions, and maintain a positive state.  

  • Study: Active recall, spaced repetition, sensory associations, and note-taking strategies. 

  • Memory: Memory tools and associations to train your memory. 

  • Speed-reading: Reading as a brain exercise, learning speed reading for improved focus and imagination. 

  • Thinking: Enhance thinking skills for exponential growth. 


By removing limits from mindset, motivation, and methods, Jim believes you gain limitless momentum for continuous improvement.  These skills are applicable across various life domains – work, personal growth, educational pursuits, and more. 

For additional tools and tips, explore Jim Kwik’s website, listen to the Kwik Brain podcast, and visit his YouTube channel.  Make Limitless your go-to textbook for upgrading your brain. 


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