Roadmap for Creating the Life of Your Dreams

“Failure has never killed a dream; quitting kills every dream it touches.” Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Are you creating the life of your dreams?  Maybe some aspects of your life are as you want them. Other aspects – you’re working on. Then there are those areas that feel hopeless, and you don’t know where to begin.  Perhaps you have even given up on them.   

You have experienced success in life. We’re often so hard on ourselves that we forget what we have already accomplished. Take a step back and remember one of them. What helped you achieve success?  Can you use the lesson of that success as a resource to help you achieve your goals in the other areas of your life? 

If you haven’t created your ideal life yet, it’s not too late.  If you don’t know where to start, keep reading to learn about a resource you can use for inspiration and as a roadmap to move forward. 

You are probably familiar with the story of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian-born bodybuilder turned actor turned politician.  The Netflix docuseries Arnold recounts his life and accomplishments. 

In his bestselling book of 2023, Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life, Arnold draws inspiration from the advice given by his father. This guidance played a crucial role in steering Arnold toward realizing his dreams. In the book, Arnold shares the tools he used to achieve his big dreams of becoming a bodybuilding champion, coming to America to become a leading man in movies, and pivoting to politics to become the governor of California.   

Here is the roadmap that Arnold provides: 


Having a clear vision of what you want is crucial because it keeps you focused, preventing aimless wandering through life. This vision serves as motivation, guiding your actions and enabling you to make the most out of life. 

What are your aspirations for your life? Begin with a broad, general idea and refine it as you gather more information. Alternatively, if you have a specific goal in mind but lack a clear overall picture, start with that specific goal, and gradually expand it. The key is to vividly visualize your objectives and have a precise understanding of what success means for you. Envision yourself as if you're watching a movie, engaging in the activities you dream about. 

You must make time and room for your dreams.  You cannot depend on someone else to do it for you.  Create small goals and eliminate distractions so you can start working on them. 


Arnold suggests eliminating small thinking.  If you are going to do it, then go all out.  He says, “it’s no harder to think big than it is to think small.” 

Believe in your dreams and let any negativity from naysayers be the rocket fuel to propel you toward your dreams. 

Keep in mind that your life vision extends beyond just yourself. When crafting your vision and setting goals, consider others around you. Your courage in pursuing your dreams can serve as inspiration for those observing you. Think of the positive impact that achieving your dreams could have on the lives of others. 


To use Arnold’s language, go to the gym and do the “sets” and “reps” with good form, even if it’s boring.  Doing the work makes you stronger and more resilient and less likely to make mistakes.   

Be sure to follow through, which is an often-neglected part of the process. Take the advice of Jimmy Dean: "Do what you say you're going to do and try to do it a little better than you said you would."  


Share your ideas and watch them expand. Talk about your dream as if it already exists.  It’s okay if people underestimate you.  Go ahead and let them.  Surprise them!  Don’t let someone else write your story.  Be the author of your life.   

People must know your ideas exist to benefit from them.  If you create a business but don’t promote it, no one will know about it or gain from it, and you will have no sales.  So, you must learn to sell your vision to those who can benefit from it. 


Learn to reframe failure as an opportunity to make things better.  Learn and grow.  Become better because of it.   

Don’t be afraid to break the rules and do something that’s never been done before.   

Ask yourself “What do I have to lose?”  If you try this and it fails, did you really lose anything? Or did you gain a great experience? 


Arnold recommends listening more than talking.  Asking good questions is better than making smart statements.  Appreciate the knowledge gained and be amazed by the opportunities to implement what you have learned. 

Curiosity is essential! Empower your mind to absorb new information, enabling it to work for you. Use what you've learned to face challenges that arise. 

Arnold’s formula for creating meaningful change in the world is “Curiosity. Hunger for information. Being open-minded. Putting your knowledge to good use.”   


It is important to realize that we do not achieve success on our own.  We have mentors and guides who help us along the way.  So, we have a responsibility to give back, help others, pay it forward – in other words, “be useful.” 

We’re all connected, so if you want to help yourself, help others. 


What’s your vision for your life? What can you do today that will move you one step closer to that vision? 


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