Embrace Ease: 10 Strategies to Simplify Your Life and Reduce Stress

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." -Confucius 

It's time for cooler weather, pumpkin-spiced everything, holiday planning, and end-of-the-year tasks.  As we enter this busy season, let's consider some ways we could make life a little easier for ourselves. How can we make this season, or any season for that matter, a bit less stressful so we can move through it with ease?   


Here are 10 strategies to promote ease in life: 


  • Prioritize Self-Care: Give yourself the gift of quality sleep, exercise, nourishing meals, and peaceful meditation to recharge.  Sometimes, doing nothing is the best self-care. 

What are your self-care practices? 


  • Take Baby Steps: Break your goals down into achievable, smaller steps.  Focus on one step at a time for steady progress. 

What is a goal you have?  How can you split that into smaller goals? 


  • Organize & Declutter: Free up space in your home and work areas to reduce chaos and mental clutter. 

Which area of your home could use some attention? 


  • Schedule Your Activities: Check your calendar before committing to new obligations to prevent overbooking and spreading yourself too thin. Eliminate the activities that don't truly add value to your life.  Schedule what’s most important to you. 

Do you have space in your schedule for self-care? 


  • Delegate When Possible: Consider delegating or seeking help from others for the essential tasks.  

Do you have room in your budget to pay someone to help you? 


  • Be Present: Practice mindfulness by focusing your thoughts on the present moment instead of the past or the future.   

Where are your thoughts? 


  • Invest in Self-improvement: Learn a new skill you can use to make a task easier to do. 

What are you interested in learning? 


  • Embrace Connection: Spend more time with people who energize, support, and encourage you.  Seek help if you’re struggling.  You don’t have to navigate life’s challenges alone. 

Who do you want to spend time with? 


  • Automate When Possible: Reduce cognitive load by setting up automatic payments, deliveries, or services. Create good habits that will pay off in the long run. 

What could you automate? 

  • Plan Thoroughly: Dedicate time to plan for your goals in every area of life, not just the financial ones.  

When will you plan?  


Let It Be Easy: Simple Ways to Stop Stressing and Start Living by Susie Moore is a book you might consider reading for more ideas on this topic.  It offers 143 inspiring readings that provide practical guidance for inviting ease into your life. Consider adopting "Let It Be Easy" as your personal mantra as you go about your day! 


What will you do to add more ease to your life?   


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